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NameHealthExperience Summonable ManaConvinceable ManaRace
amazon 110 60 390 390 Blood
ancient scarab 1000 720 --- --- Venom
Ashmunrah 5000 3100 --- --- Undead
badger 23 5 200 200 Blood
banshee 1000 900 --- --- Undead
bear 80 23 300 300 Blood
behemoth 4000 2500 --- --- Blood
beholder 260 170 --- --- Blood
black knight 1800 1600 --- --- Blood
black sheep 20 0 250 250 Blood
blue djinn 330 190 --- --- Blood
bonebeast 515 580 --- --- Undead
bug 29 18 250 250 Venom
cave rat 30 10 250 250 Blood
cobra 65 30 275 275 Blood
crypt shambler 330 195 --- 580 Undead
cyclops 260 150 490 490 Blood
deathslicer 8200 0 --- --- Undead
deer 25 0 260 260 Blood
demon 8200 6000 --- --- Fire
demon skeleton 400 240 620 620 Undead
Dipthrah 4200 2900 --- --- Undead
dog 20 0 220 220 Blood
dragon 1000 700 --- --- Blood
dragon lord 1900 2100 --- --- Blood
dwarf 90 45 320 320 Blood
dwarf geomancer 380 245 --- --- Blood
dwarf guard 240 170 600 600 Blood
dwarf soldier 135 70 360 360 Blood
efreet 550 300 --- --- Blood
elder beholder 500 280 --- --- Blood
elf 100 42 320 320 Blood
elf arcanist 220 175 --- --- Blood
elf scout 160 75 360 360 Blood
fire devil 200 110 530 530 Blood
fire elemental 280 220 690 690 Fire
flamethrower 100 18 --- --- Undead
frost troll 55 23 300 300 Blood
gargoyle 250 150 --- --- Undead
gazer 120 90 --- --- Blood
ghost 150 120 --- --- Undead
ghoul 100 85 450 450 Blood
giant spider 1300 900 --- --- Venom
goblin 50 25 290 290 Blood
green djinn 330 190 --- --- Blood
Grorlam 2700 1600 --- --- Undead
hero 1400 1200 --- --- Blood
hunter 150 150 --- 530 Blood
hyaena 60 20 275 275 Blood
larva 70 44 355 355 Venom
lich 880 900 --- --- Undead
lion 80 30 320 320 Blood
magicthrower 100 18 --- --- Undead
Mahrdis 3900 3050 --- --- Undead
marid 550 300 --- --- Blood
mimic 29 18 --- --- Undead
minotaur 100 50 330 330 Blood
minotaur archer 100 65 390 390 Blood
minotaur guard 185 160 550 550 Blood
minotaur mage 155 150 --- --- Blood
monk 240 200 600 --- Blood
Morguthis 4800 3000 --- --- Undead
mummy 240 150 --- --- Undead
necromancer 580 580 --- --- Blood
Omruc 4300 2950 --- --- Undead
orc 70 25 300 300 Blood
orc berserker 210 195 590 590 Blood
orc leader 450 270 640 640 Blood
orc rider 180 110 --- 490 Blood
orc shaman 115 110 --- --- Blood
orc spearman 105 38 310 310 Blood
orc warlord 950 670 --- --- Blood
orc warrior 125 50 360 360 Blood
Orshabaal 22500 9999 --- --- Fire
pig 25 0 255 255 Blood
plaguethrower 100 18 --- --- Undead
poison spider 26 22 270 270 Venom
polar bear 85 28 315 315 Blood
priestess 390 420 --- --- Blood
rabbit 15 0 220 220 Blood
Rahemos 3700 3100 --- --- Undead
rat 20 5 200 200 Blood
rotworm 65 40 --- 305 Blood
scarab 320 120 395 395 Venom
scorpion 45 45 310 310 Venom
sheep 20 0 250 250 Blood
shredderthrower 100 18 --- --- Undead
skeleton 50 35 300 300 Undead
skunk 20 3 200 200 Blood
slime 150 160 --- --- Venom
snake 15 10 205 205 Blood
spider 20 12 210 210 Venom
stalker 120 90 --- --- Blood
stone golem 270 160 590 590 Undead
swamp troll 55 25 320 320 Blood
Thalas 4100 2950 --- --- Undead
troll 50 20 290 290 Blood
valkyrie 190 85 450 450 Blood
vampire 450 290 --- --- Undead
Vashresamun 4000 2950 --- --- Undead
war wolf 140 55 --- 420 Blood
warlock 3200 4000 --- --- Blood
wasp 35 24 280 280 Venom
wild warrior 135 60 420 420 Blood
winter wolf 30 20 260 260 Blood
witch 300 120 --- --- Blood
wolf 25 18 255 255 Blood
yeti 950 460 --- --- Blood
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